Quick Start

Last updated: January 22th, 2021
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What is FoodPel?

FoodPel is a Restaurant POS Software with Smart Inventory and Multiple Outlet. It has Multiple Store, Profit Loss Analysis, Waste Tracking & Loss Calculation, Smart Inventory, Inventory Alert, Ingredient Purchase, Point Of Sale, Expense Tracking, Supplier Due Payment, KOT with Token No, Table, 15+ Reports, Multi User & Access Control, Device Responsive, Inventory Valuation, Hold Sale, Discount, Tax, Payment Method, Daily Summary and Business Intelligence Dashboard features to run a restaurant very smoothly.
And it is very handy. It is designed in a way so that anyone can operate it with just a very little bit of guidance.

What is it's speciality?

FoodPel maintains seperate modules for Ingredient and Recipe and Ingredient's consumptions for a Recipe. You purchase Ingredient and sale Recipe, FoodPel automatically calculates Ingredient inventory. This way reduces lot of your work!


Getting Started


Please access your website from your browser like http://your-domain.com/FoodPel/

Now login with your Email and Password

No worry

Way to change these email and password has been shown in the next step.

Change Password

Please access here after login

Change Profile

Please change the default login email and other information by accessing here

Forgot Password

Click here in login page and provide your email address, an auto generated password will be sent to your email address

General Settings

Please access here from Account Menu at the beginning to setup your timezone, currency and date format

You should keep in mind

Ingredient and Food Menu has different profile here

The raw materials like Flour, Onion, Sauce, Beef, Chicken you buy to produce food are Ingredients and the item you sale like Fried Rice, Burger, Steak are Food Menu here.

All operations remains under an outlet

Like purchase, sale, waste, expense, supplier payment, inventory; we are calling these as operations. So to enter information of an operation like you want to put e purchase entry, you have to Enter into an outlet. And every calculation is based on an outlet, so you want to check status of an outlet, you have to enter to that outlet. But for a non-admin user, he will be redirected to an outlet where he is assigned.
And other actions like Master Data, User Management etc you can do without entering into an outlet


You can have unlimited outlets as you need, to start selling or purchasing or any other operation, you must create an outlet, to add an outlet click here

You can see some configuration here along outlets name and basic information, fill this up and save.

Master Data


You can add your master data with or without entering an outlet.

Ingredient Units

These are the units you purchase ingredients by. You have to add some Ingredient Units before adding an ingredient

Ingredient Categories

Like Meat, Spicery, Fish etc


Like Chili powder, Flour, Avocado, Tomato etc


For your food menu that you sell, it is not mandatory, if you dont collect Tax, then you can avoid this.

Food Menu Categories

Like Maxiacan, Chinese, Dessert, Thai Food, Beverage etc

Food Menus

Like Burger, Pasta, Cisilian Chicken, Beef Chili Onion, Cold Coffee, Water etc


You must select Ingredients needed along with consumption to produce a single unit of a Food Menu


The Sale Price is you enter here will be populated in your sale page's cart. But you can change the price there. And the profit/loss or any analysis system provides you will not be calculated by your this price, it will be calculated by the price you keep in the sale page cart's item price.


We suggest to click on Read Me First red button before you put consumption values.


Who provides ingredients to you


You can also add a supplier very quickly in the purchase form


To whom you sell


You can also add a customer very quickly in the sale page

Expense Items

Like Employee Salary, Rent, Electricity Bill, Entertainment etc



Mention that employees are not your users, you will add your employees just for two reasons: To tag responsible person for a Waste and an Expense

Payment Methods

Like Cash, Card, Paypal etc


You can add all of your tables of your outlet, later you can choose the table when making a sell, that table name will be shown in the invoice and KOT


Manage Users

You can add user as much as you need, with control of their access


The password you set for the user will be sent to user's email.


When you make a purchase for your outlet add that here.


1. Price is being populated from Master, but you can change it by current price

2. You currency is being shown here

3. You are not bound to purchase by quantity, you can put any amount with 2 decimal value.

4. You must follow the unit shown here

You can purchase with due, and if you purchase with due, you must enter a due payment date so that system can you on that date.

And we recommend to view Read Me First here before you make an entry

You can also go to purchase form directly by clicking on the Quick Menu


You can go to sale page by this way

OR from quick menu

A POS screen will be appeared

1. You can add any of your Food Menu to cart by clicking on a Food Menu here
2. You can filter your Food Menus just by clicking on the category here
3. You can select Table from here

You can provide discount on a single item and/or on the total sale

You can also change the price if there is a custom deal with the customer, and system will consider the price what you left in this field, not the master price

If you need to hold a sale by clicking on on Hold button, you hold sale will be appeared at the top of the cart. You can have maximum 3 hold sale at a time, you can remove unnecessary hold sales.

When you click on the Payment button, 1. You can enter a token no for your KOT 2. You can choose the payment method 3. You can also check the change amount (this will not be stored in the db)

When you click on the Save Sale a popup window will be appeared with Invoice and KOT


You can access the Ingredient Inventory from here

Inventory: Sum of Purchase - Sum of ingredient consumption in Sale - Sum of Waste
You can filter Inventory by Category, Ingredient or Food Menu.
Check ingredients under the reorder level by clicking on XXX Ingredients in Alert.
Stock Value is calculated based on last purchase price.


Sometime some waste may occur in your restaurant, record that here

1. We suggest to check the Read Me First before making an entry
2. Only purchased ingredients will be listed here
3. You can tag a responsible person for this from your employees
4. Enter the Quantity/Amount of waste of each item here
5. You must enter Quantity/Amount by the unit shown here
6. The loss is calculated based on last purchase price
7. You can also keep a note for this waste


Like Rent, Employee Salary, Electric Bill, Gas Bill, Entertainment Cost etc

Supplier Payment

You purchased from supplier but paid partially or fully due and when your supplier comes to you and you make a payment to the supplier


You can call our Dashboard as Business Intelligence Dashboard, it you show you your business at a glance like: Monthly Summary of all operations, your current stock value, your top ten food menus, suppliers due and your montly sale comparison


Our Report module gives you more than 15 reports to check your business status and make your besiness decision. Our report includes: Daily Summary Report, Inventory Report, Tax Report, Supplier Report, Supplier Due Report, Profit Loss Report, Sale Report by Month, Sale Report by Date, Food Menu Sales, Detailed Sale Report, Pur. Report by Month, Pur. Report by Date, Pur. Report by Ingredient, Detailed Pur. Report, Expense Report, Waste Report


Email: info@whitepel.com

Phone: 8005766984