
NearPel provides a multiple on-demand service based on nearby locations, by using this web application simply you view and book a service or provide a service to the customers.

Admin Features

The admin can have the access to all the setting

Admin will do the access of the buyer/Service Provder where they newly registered to the service market place.


Here admin has an option to set General information

General settings:
Admin can add/edit the setting like website name, logo, Favicon, Social login API.

Login type settings:
In general settings we have a option for login type access, We can choose user wants to login through Mobile No/Email ID. We can set it only one time.

Google map API key settings:
In general settings we have a field for add google map api key, We can add google map api key for map location.

NOTE : We need to enable billing,JavaScript API and Map Related options.    Click Here

Push Notification:
Here Admin can add/edit the Firebase Server Key and APNS Key for Push notification and chattings.

Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, About Us:
Here Admin can add/edit the conent for Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and About Us page. By using a text editor you can add images and hyperlink and much more.

Email settings:
Admin has an option to SMTP mail configurations.

Payment Gateway:
We have integrated Stripe,Paypal,Razorpay Payment modes, Admin can easily add the live API account details.

SMS gateway:
We have integrated the Nexmo SMS Gateway. Here Admin can add the API details.

SEO Settings:
Here admin can set title and description and keywords for search engine optimization


Theme Color change:
By using the option admin can change the theme color at any time

Admin forget password

Admin and subadmin has option for reset thier password through email link.

Admin Dashboard

Default page after successful login by admin. Following details are visible to admin.

  • Total number of category & sub-category
  • Total number of services
  • Total number of users
  • Total number of orders status history

Admin Users

Admin has the option to add new subadmins. Also, has an option to ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’

Admin has the option to set module access restrictions.

Category & Sub-Category

Admin has the option to add new category type here. Also, has an option to ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ already categorized here

Note: If you delete any category, Sub Category also will be deleted and Sub Category service lising also deleted


Admin can view all the services and they are able to activate or deactivate the services.

Booking List

Admin has the option to view the status of ‘Booking History’ list that mentions below,

  • All booking - Admin can view total number of services booked on date-wise.
  • Pending – Provider yet to confirm the service request from user.
  • In-progress – Service provider accepted the service.
  • Completed - Total number of service is completed.
  • Rejected- Orders declined by service provider.
  • Cancelled - Orders cancelled by provider.

Contact Detail

If the user has entered any details via contact form Admin can receive and view the message details here.


Contact Reply

If the user has entered any details via contact form Admin can reply to that particular message and it will be send through mail to users.

Rating Type

Admin can add/edit the rating type like Good, Excellent and normal.


Here admin can view the entire customer’s reviews, Also you can able to delete the reviews


Admin has the option to add new subscription type here. Also, has an option to ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ already subscription here.


Here admin can view all the users & providers transaction history.

Service Provider

Admin has the option to view all service providers list with subscription plan

Regional Language

Admin has the option to set their regional language.

Country Code

Here admin has an option to set Country Code

Country Code List
By Using this option admin has to view all the country code list also if you want you can edit/delete the country code

Add Country code:
Here Admin can add the new country code, Click the add button (+) Symbol, you need to enter below details Here i have given for example,

  • Country Code: India(IN), United States (US)
  • Country ID: India +91, United States +1
  • Country Name: You need to enter like this India(+91)


Here admin can view the earned Commission amount

Users List

Admin can view the entire customer list. Also admin has an option to active/inactive the Users

Email Template

Admin can set an email template format for user registration,booking confirmation,booking status. and also has an edit template format.

Service Providers

Admin can view the entire service providers list. Also admin has an option to active/inactive the services


Here admin has an option to set Footer information

Footer Menu:
Here admin can set Footer menu option, Click on add you can set menu names

Footer Sub Menu
Here Admin can set the Footer Sub menu options, By cliking menu you can set a link and By clicking widget you can add the footer menu content like locations details and etc.

Web App Features

Become Professional (Service Provider)

Service Providers can add a wide range of services and delivered by professional experts from nearby locations.

Join as a professional

Here a number of categories have been listed. First you can select your categories which service are you going to provide to the customers and then you can choose the relevant sub categories. If you don’t have sub category it will be others list

Register With Mobile No

In register page, user should fill all the mandatory details.

Once you have entered the details, You will receive an OTP if user login type is mobile no.

If user login type is Email ID means password popup will be appear.

On Successful registration, It will be go to the Home Page

Post a service

If you post a service, First you have to choose the subscription, without subscription you cannot post any service.

Subscription: As per your needs, you can choose the subscription plans. We have integrated Stripe,Paypal,Razorpay payment gateways. By using credit/debit you can pay it. Suppose if your plan is going to expire you will receive an alert.

Availability: And then set your availablity time as per your convenient time.

Add Service

Service Information:
Here you can post your services in detailed information about what you are going to provide service to the customers such as,

  • Service Title
  • Service Amount
  • Service Location
  • Category/subcateogry
  • Detailed Information
  • Add Multiple Images

Service Provider Dashboard

Enhanced Dashboard for Vendors (Service Provider) to view the business details Bookings, Services, Notifications

My Services:
Service Providers can view our active and inactive services

Booking List:
In this menu Service provider can view all the booking list

Profile Settings:
Service providers can update the general informations such as Service info, Adderess, Country

By using this option, Service provider can able to withdraw your amount from wallet to stripe account.


The Service provider can receive the notification regarding the services in alert.

Change Password

The Service provider can change thier password through change password module.

Become User (Customer)


In register page, user should fill all the mandatory details.

Once you have entered the details, You will receive an OTP if user login type is mobile no.

If user login type is Email ID means password popup will be appear.

On Successful registration, It will be go to the Home Page

Book Service

By Using this app, Simply user can book your services nearby locations

Book Nearbyservice: Users can book a widerange of services nearby locations with help of GPS

Wallet Transaction: Before choosing a service user must be add the amount in wallet.We have integrated stripe,paypal,razorpay payment gateways. As per you convenient you can add the amount. After detecting the stripe commssion remain payment will be credited in your wallet. Also user can see wallet transaction history.

My Bookings: User can see our booking service history

Once user is booking a service, User need to accept the service

Service provider accepted the service.

Complete Request:
Once service provider completed the job, He has request to the User.

Accept Request:
If the job is completed user has accepted the service or if user has not satisfied the service user has to reject the service.

The buyer can leave a feedback about the service provider and also review the feedback.

Chat Option

The chat option is integrated to do message service with service provider

Payment Histroy

Here User can see the payment history


The User can receive the notification regarding the services in alert.

Change Password

The User can change thier password through change password module.


Users and Service provider can able to login with registerd mobile number.

Forget Password

Users and Service provider can able to reset their password through forget password option. Reset link will be recive once u click CLICK TO GET LINK option.


If you have any queries please contact us through email: