ChatPel - Facebook Chatbot, eCommerce & Social Media Management Tool (SaaS)


ChatPel— a white label self-hosted PHP script— is a multichannel marketing software, mostly for Facebook messenger marketing. With ChatPel, you can build fully interactive and highly responsive chatbots smoothly and comfortably. The application has a full-featured Ecommerce platform. On the platform, you can create vigorous and nice-looking Ecommerce stores that can sell products to customers and receive payments, living both inside messenger and on any browser. Indeed, you can utilize the Ecommerce store as the QR code digital menu for your restaurant.

Besides, the application comprises multiple unique and advanced features. To attract people to your business and products, it has a social post scheduler that can publish and schedule posts on different popular social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on. To engage customers with your business, it has Facebook and Instagram comment growth tool that can comment and reply to comments under posts and accomplish many other things. Certainly, the application has Email and SMS marketing tool that can send Bulk Emails and SMS to your customers.

In conclusion, ChatPel is a complete and comprehensive solution for your business. It can accomplish everything from encouraging people to your business to turning them into your long-time customers. Simply put, the application not only draws customers but also retains them as satisfied and happy customers. Because it is a white-label SaaS application, you can sell the service of ChatPel to your end-users— establishing a software service business as your own brand. This advantage is limited to Extended Licenses only.

ChatPel is genuinely user-friendly. It has a well-designed dashboard where you can see the users’ interactions in a graphical view. Certainly, ChatPel’s every feature has a handy and precise interface to create and edit campaigns, staying in the same place. All the campaigns will be included in a list from where you can see the reports of the campaigns and edit, delete and clone the campaigns.

Account Import

After Completing Facebook API Settings Properly, Now You've to Import your Facebook Account.


Here you will get all the system setting that you want to customize as you need. We are offering you as much customization of this system as possible. This section is devided into six sub-section.


 This section offers you to change settings in these sections: General, Front-end, SMTP, Email, Analytics, Advertisement

  • General [Only Admin]:

    Brand : Here you can setup your app name, company name etc branding information.

    Preference : You can set system email function, it can be php mail or you can setup your smtp profile. You can force to use HTTPS and also can enable disable signup system. You can setup system default time zone and locale.

    Logo & Favicon : Upload your system logo and favicon.

    Master Password & App access : Set a master password and you can use this password to login as any user (except admin). You can give access to users to use their own Facebook app instead of using your app.

    Subscriber : After migrating page conversation as messenger subscriber it is required to update subscriber information like gender, timezone etc using cron job. You can set the number of avatar image download per cron limit and number of profile info update per cron job.

    Persistent Menu : If you have enabled persistent menu copyright module for a package then the persistent the user of that package will contain your branding. Set the branding here.

    Messenger Broadcast : Conversation broadcast uses cron job to send message you can set number of message send limit per cron job and report update frequency here.

    Facebook Poster : As you know, you can use multiple Facebook accounts and multiple pages. There are module settings to limit account import and pages. However , you can enable this settings to add exception and allow post to all imported pages instead of bot connection enabled pages.

    Support Desk (extended license) : Extended license provides a support desk to manage user issues. However, you can enable/disable support desk from here.

    File Upload : There are various file upload all over the project. You can limit the upload size of various features from one place.

  • Front-end [Only Admin] :
    • This awesome software also now have an buli-in eye-catching landing page which is fully dynamic and can be controlled from this settings area.
    • You can choose if you want landing page or not. If you select Display Landing Page as No then login page will be the default page.
    • If you do not want social links to show up then keep the social links blank.
    • If you choose Display Review Block as No then customer review section will be hidden from landing page. Put youtube watch url if you want to show a review video, keep it blank if you do not want it, it will be hidden then.
    • If you choose Display Tutorial Block as No then tutorial section will be hidden from landing page. Put your tutorial title,thumbnail url & youtube watch url to affect the landing page.

  • SMTP Settings (System SMTP Email: Only Admin):
    • This is the place to configure system email.
    • You can add any SMTP email provider here. There are three stmp types : Default, TLS and SSL. Default option is for non-SSL smtp. You will find your smtp configuration in your cpanel.
    • These settings will be used to send system emails like forget password, contact, send notification etc. Adding SMTP is not enough to start sending message using it, you have to enable SMTP email feature from general settings as well.

  • Email Template [Only Admin]: System sends several emails to users for different purposes. Here you can edit the email content to be sent. Some email templates are for extended license only.

  • Analytics [Only Admin]: You may need to add analytics scripts like Google analytics or Facebook pixel code in landing page and login page to track visitors. Well we have sorted it out for you. Simply put the js scripts (with script tag) in the textarea and save and system will automatically embed them in landing page as well as login page. You can add multiple scripts in single textarea or can put other js in textarea rather than Google or Facebook scripts if you like.

  • Advertisement [Only Admin]:
    • The front end contains diffrent advertisement sections: 970x90 px ( large screen) / 320x100 px (small screen), 300x250 px (all screen), 300x250 px (all screen) and 300x600 px (large screen).
    • You can change the advertise here. You can also choose weather you want to show advertise or not.
    • If you choose to show advertise then write html code for each section, as for example you can add simply a html <img/> embedded inside a html <a/> tag or can add google adsense html code for each section.

Social Apps :

 In this section you will see list of all social apps like Facebook, Google etc. This section will help you to customize your social app settings.

  • Facebook: In this section you will see all your Facebook app settings. You can add a Facebook app settings by clicking the button Add New APP which is placed on almost on the top of this page. You can also edit, delete your apps using the action buttons attatched with each setting lists. After adding your app settings you need to login by clicking the Facebook icon of action list.

  • Google: After entering this section you will find all the necessary settings of your current Google app. Change is as necessary.

Cron Job [Only Admin]:

 Here all the cron jobs need to setup on server are listed for your application. But first you have to generate api key for your application by clicking the Generate API Key. You can re-generate your applications api key any time but doing this will require to setup cron job on server again. When you mouse over on the cron job commands you will see a text copy on the right side and by clicking on that text you can copy that cron job.

Language Editor [Only Admin]:

 It comes with twelve language by default. But you may need to add your own language. So, we are offering you a way to add you own language and translate all the static text to your language.

In this section you will find all the languages comes with this applications. You can add your language by clicking the button Add New Language placed on the top. You can also delete your language if you fill necessary.

Next you have to translate the texts on your own language. There are three type of texts. System, Add-ons, 3rd Party. Choose a type and the click on the language you want to translate. After clicking a language you will be redirect on a page and you will find a list of all file. Then click it and a list of text will come in front of you. Now add your translation.

Add-on Manager [Only Admin]:

 It has some greate add-ons. When you will want to install them then you have to go through this settings. If any add-on is installed then you will find all the installed add-ons here. You will find a button Install Add-on on the top of that page. Click on it and you will be redirect to a page where you have to upload your add-on. Next you have to activate your add-on using your add-on purchase code. You can also delete add-on if you wish from the list.

Check Update [Only Admin]:

 This section displays your application and add-ons versions. If any update is released from our end then you will see them here. You can update your application and add-ons from here.


Here you will find all the subscription related settings. This section is devided into six sub-section.

Package Manager [Only Admin]:

 In this section you will find all the packages you have created so far. By default there is a "Trail" package. You can not delete this package. If you do not want a trial then edit deafult package's validity to 0 (zero). If you do not want to take money from users then edit the default package's price to "Free".

You can add your desired package by clicking the button New Package on this page. After clicking this button you will be redirected to another page where you will create your desired package for your user.

Fill the necessary information for createing a package and check the modules which will be included in your package. Here you will find some modules are checked by default and you can't uncheck them. You can aslo specify modules Usage Limit and Bulk Limit.

Suppose you want to create a package named "basic" which validity will be 30days, price will be EUR 10 and you want to assign specific modules for this package. In this case you are lucky!! You can add unlimited packages you want including price,validity and modules. You can also put monthly analysis limit each module when you create a package. While you assign limits, 0 (zero) means unlimited.

User Manager [Only Admin]:

 This section displays all the users on your application. There are various information about your user. You can edit, delete, change password and see all the activities of every users.

You can add new user by clicking the button New User on the top. When you will click this button you will be redirected on a new page. There you can create a new user by filling the necessary information. You can specify package and expiry date of a user when you create.

You can send mail to your users by selecting them from the list. This option will be found after clicking the Options button. This button is located on the top of the list of users. You can also see Login Log and System Dashboard (extended) by clicking corresponding button.

Announcement [Only Admin]:

 This section of your settings helps you to show notification to all your users using this system. You can create notification by clicking the button New Announcement on the top. This button will redirect you to a new page. There you can create a new notification. You can keep it published or as draft.

Here, you will also mark single anouncement as read or mark all the notifications as read. There are some filters and you can you can also search your notification.

Payment Accounts [Only Admin & Extended License]:

This is the place where you set your PayPal account / Stripe account or both and your currency. Your end users will pay to this PayPal account/ Stripe account. Paypal has recurring payment option. Make sure the paypal method is in live mode (disable sandbox) before you start selling using paypal.

Earning Summary [Only Admin & Extended License]:

 This section will show your earning summary. You can see your Life Time Earning, Current Month Earning, Current Year Earning, Earning comparison of consicutive last two years and Top countries of consicutive last two years.

Transaction Log:

 Here you will find all the transaction occured by your users. You can filter your result by choosing the date range by clicking the button placing on the top of the tansaction list named Choose Date

Comment Automation

This section will help you to set comment template, reply template of your comment automation. Apert these you can see all your comment automation campaigns and their reports. This section is devided int 4 parts. These are:

Comment Template:

 A auto comment template can contain multiple comments. Simply create a template by adding the comments you want for that template. Later this templates will be displayed when you create a new auto comment campaign.

Reply Template:

 A auto reply template can contain multiple replies. Simply create a template by adding the replies you want for that template. Later this templates will be displayed when you create a new auto reply campaign

Automation Campaign:

 This page is devided into three parts. The left one is for your page lists, the middle one where you will find your bots, full page campaigns and reports of all the comment automation campiagns and the right one is for the lists of your latest posts.

You can set auto comment by post's id by clicking the button Set campaign by id, will be found on the right section of this page. You can also set the Auto Comment, and Auto Reply from the list of latest posts. Just click the Settings icon, buttom right position of each post's image


 This is the report section of comment automation campaigns. You will find: Auto Comment Report, Auto Reply Report. Click the See report link and your reports will appear infront of you.

Subscriber Manager

Here you can manage your subscriber. To make all the things easy this section is devided into three sub-section. They are:

  • Sync Subscribers: This page is devided into two sub-section. The left section contains the list of pages. The right section contains all the subscriber information of that page.

    The subscriber information section provides information on following fiels:

    • Conversation Subscriber : Subscriber system grabs scanning page inbox
    • Bot Subscriber : Subscriber obtained by messenger bot webhook
    • Unsubscribed : Not availabe for operation, either you unsubscribed them or they unsubscribed you.
    • 24H Interaction Subscriber : 24h rule : pages are permitted to send promotional message to subscribers, those has sent message to your page in last 24 hours. The 24-hour limit is refreshed each time a person responds to a business through one of the eligible actions listed in messenger conversation entry points.
    • 24+1 Eligible Subscriber : 24 + 1 rule : pages may also send one additional message after the 24-hour time limit has expired. This is commonly referred to as the 24 + 1 policy.
    • Migrated BOT Subscriber : Conversation subscribers migrated as bot subscribers.

    Here you will find Subscriber List, Scan page inbox, Background Scanning, Latest Conversations.

    Subscriber List:  Here you will see all the subscriber list of this page. You can assign lebel, download full list of subscriber, migrate full list to bot. These option will be found by clicking the Option dropdown button. You can aslo unsubscribe or visit the conversation from the subscriber list action.

    Scan Page Inbox:  You can scan your page inbox anytime to update your subscriber from here. It will help you to become update about your subscriber.

    Background Scanning:  If you want to enable background scanning of your page inbox then click this button. Background scanning will be completed by multiple steps depending on total number of subscribers. queued means it is waiting for the next step. Background scanning will scan page`s inbox in background with multiple step & once all subscribers from inbox is imported, it will turn into default state again with enable button.This option mostly used for pages that has a big subscribers list & possibly get error during scan page inbox option

    Latest Conversations:  By clicking this button you can see your latest conversions and you can reply them from there.

  • Bot Subscribers: After you setup bot and it starts replying people they will be your Messenger lead/subscriber. In this page you find a list of subscriber of your bot. You can search your subscriber by selecting your page or overall.

    You can do some bulk action by selecting your subscriber from the list. The bulk actions are found by clicking the Options dropdown menu. You can delete or assign your selected subscribers. Again, you can download your subscribers by clicking Download Result button.

    If you click the action button of any of the subscriber list then a modal will be appeared. Here you will find all the information about your subscriber. You can also do some actions from here. You can subscribe or unsubscribe them, assign lebel, pause bot reply, sync subscriber data, delete subscriber data and so on.

  • Labels/Tags: This is the place where you will find all your labels you added so far. You can search them using page filter also. You can delete your labels too. By clicking the New Label button you can add new label.

Messenger Bot

You will be able to set your messenger bot for multiple pages. The bot can reply with text, post back button, quick reply, image, video, template, carousel template & so on. Setting up your messenger bot with Bot Inboxer will reply all your customers in messenger very fast.

Here you can manage your messanger bot settings. To make all the things easy this section is devided into three sub-section. They are:

  • Bot settings: This page is devided into three parts. The left most part desplays all your pages. The middle one shows available settings and the right part displays corresponding report of availabe settings.

    In the middle section you will find Bot reply settings, Get started settings, General settings, Action button settings, Persistent menu settings. When you will click the Change settings text then the right side part will display corresponding data.

    Bot reply settings:  Whey you will select this settings then the right side will show you all the Bot reply you have created so far. You can add new Bot Reply and see Bot settings data by clicking the corresponding button. This is keyword based reply. Replying Keywords must be comma separated.

    Get started settings:  By selecting this setting you can both enable and disable Get started button settings. The greeting text on the welcome screen is your first opportunity to tell a person why they should start a conversation with your messenger bot. Some things you might include in your greeting text might include a brief description of what your bot does, such as key features, or a tagline. This is also a great place to start establishing the style and tone of your bot.Greetings have a 160 character maximum, so keep it concise

    General settings:  You can set "Mark as seen status", "Chat with human email", "Reply if no match found" settings. Change as your need.

    Action button settings:  There are few system defined reply templates so that users do not have to set them. Users just have to edit them if they like.

    • Get-started template : respond when visitor click on get started button
    • No match template : respond when system does not get any matching keyword to reply.
    • Un-subscribe template : replies when visitor click unsubscribe button
    • Re-subscribe template : replies when visitor click resubscribe button
    • Email quick reply template : replies when visitor provides his/her email
    • Phone quick reply template : replies when visitor provides his/her phone
    • Birthday quick reply template : replies when visitor provides his/her birth date
    • Chat with human template : replies when visitor wants to chat with human agent
    • Chat with robot template : replies when visitor wants to chat with robot agent

    After selecting any of the above settings you will find corresponding settings to be changed.

    Persistent menu settings:  This section will reveal your persistent menu settings. You can add persistent menu settings by clicking the Create persistent menu button.

  • Post-back manager: You can set your post-back settings here. Here you find your post-back templetes. You can create new templete by clicking the button Create new templte. This button will redirect you to a new page to fill necessary informations.

  • Whitelisted domains: If you want to send any websites link through your bot, you have to make that website whitelisted first. This settings will be found here. You can add, edit and delete your whitelisted domains from here. Do not worry, you do not need to whitelist manually, system will automatically whitelist for you whenever needed.

Messenger Broadcast

Conversation broadcast: It brodcast your conversations. In this section you will find all your conversation broadcast lists. You can search your them by using filters like page, date-range. You can also add your conversational broadcast by clicking the button Create Campaign.

Promotional text-only broadcasting to all page conversation. Needs delay between each message send.

Posting Feature

This section contains the posting features of your application. Here you will find all the posting tools. Now the available posting tool is :

Facebook Poster

Here you will find all the facebook poster related settings. This section is devided into four sub-section.

  • Text/link/image/video post:

    Text Post: Enter post description & choose pages to post.Live preview is availabe.Choose the pages where you want to post. You can enable auto private and comment reply, by simply choosing Auto Reply Template.You can schedule the campaign now or later. If you choose to schedule later then you have to enter time and timezone.

    Link Post: Paste your link, type a description(Optional).Live preview is availabe.You can enable auto private and comment reply, by simply choosing Auto Reply Template.You can schedule the campaign now or later. If you choose to schedule later then you have to enter time and timezone.

    Image/Multi-image Post: Upload one/more images , type a description(optional).Live preview is availabe.Choose the pages where you want to post. You can enable auto private and comment reply, by simply choosing Auto Reply Template.You can schedule the campaign now or later. If you choose to schedule later then you have to enter time and timezone.

    Video Post:Upload a video, type a description(optional).Live preview is availabe.Choose the pages where you want to post. You can enable auto private and comment reply, by simply choosing Auto Reply Template.You can schedule the campaign now or later. If you choose to schedule later then you have to enter time and timezone.

  • CTA Post: Type a message and paste an link like ( System will grab the link details like preview image,title,description automatically and show you how it will look on Facebook after publish. Choose "Message Page" CTA button to generate more leads,anyone who will send message clicking the button will be in your lead list. You can also use other available CTA buttons if you like. You can choose where to post among your pages. CTA post can only be posted in pages. You can enable auto private and comment reply, by simply choosing Auto Reply Template. You can schedule the campaign now or later. If you choose to schedule later then you have to enter time and timezone.

  • Carousel/Video Post: 

    Carousel Post: Put a optional description and slider action link. Upload two or more carousel section. Each section consists title,link,description and image. Choose the pages where you want to post. You can enable auto private and comment reply, by simply choosing Auto Reply Template.You can schedule the campaign now or later. If you choose to schedule later then you have to enter time and timezone.

    Video Slider Post: Upload 2 or more images and it will be posted as a video slider. You can choose image play duration and transition duration. Choose the pages where you want to post. You can enable auto private and comment reply, by simply choosing Auto Reply Template.You can schedule the campaign now or later. If you choose to schedule later then you have to enter time and timezone.

  • Rss auto post: First you have to add rss feed. Then it will grab new posts for you and it will post on behalf of you. After adding your feed you have to set on which pages you want to post and other settings.

Search Tools

This tool helps you to know, how many times your website shares, reaction, comment, in facebook for the website. Another thing is there that is place search in facebook you can search through some filters, and see search results very easily instead of using facebook. This section is devided into 2 parts. These are:

Website Comparision:

  First go to website comaparison then you will see two input box first one is website and the second one is Competitor website. Put Website address there and search it. It shows how many times your website shares, reaction, comment and many more in facebook for the website.